Logo and illustrations for the site voicesoncentralasia.org, a new platform for scholars, authors, and journalists interested in Central Asia.
The first illustration had to be about people of Central Asia.
I combined maps - to clearly and quickly identify the citizenship of each people (what can be otherwise difficult since many different ethnies live in each country) - and drawings of people in a travelogue style.

The second and third illustration were about 2018 in Central Asia and what to expect for each country..
I played with the shape of 2018 for the second illustration, and choosed for the third illustration a cultural element that all countries of Central Asia have in common : the tea (чай). I combined here teapot (чайник) and teacups (чашки) with the flags of each country.

For the logo I wanted to create a visual element which would combine the two information of the site name : "voice" and "central asia", and which could be used and understood independantly within the name of the site, and without (to be used as a favicon)
The red "O" of the logo combines a symbol of dialogue - the comics bubble - and a shanyrak, the top element of the yourt roof.

Thank you!