Summer 2019
With the Danish Refugee Council team and teenagers from different vilages of Abkhazia, we created posters about local issues such as: ecology, gender, childen rights and reconciliation process. 2 workshops of one week with 12 participants each were organized in Sukhumi.
During these workshops teenagers discussed the topics through a serie of exercices (drawing, writing, acting...) and proposed different sketches and slogans that were discussed by the group. We finalized together the best ideas in posters that were later presented by the participants of the workshop to other teenagers groups in their villages to animate debates.
Here below is a selection of these posters with the initial sketch and the final material.
"The air monster"

"As you sow, so shall you reap."
" Whosoever sows the waste shall reap the waste."

"Everything is in our hands"

"No matter what we do, we can do it together"